
Winter 2014 Showreel

Winter 2014 Showreel

Ironman 70.2 Aerial Selects

Ironman 70.2 Aerial Selects

Holden TVC – One 30 second shot

Holden TVC – One 30 second shot

Kia Sportage TVC

Kia Sportage TVC

Summer 2014 Showreel

Summer 2014 Showreel

Queenstown Outdoors

Queenstown Outdoors.

Villa Maria – Aerial Selects

A selection of shots from Middle Earth

A selection of shots from Middle Earth

A selection of shots from Middle Earth

Winter Aerial Showreel 2013

This showreel highlights a selection of our favourite work from 2013.

2012 Aerial Showreel

This showreel highlights a selection of our favourite work from late 2011 throughout 2012.

2011 Aerial Showreel

It’s here at last. We have spent a lot of time on this project and are getting some awesome results. Thanks to everyone who is supporting us.

Auckland University Aerials

Auckland University

Speedway Aerials


Showreel for NAB

Olympic Rowers

A early start but great fun filming the New Zealand Olympic rowing team training for a TV promo.


